Faizah Indah Qonita, Pangesti Nugrahani, Sukartinungrum Plumula


lingkungan perkotaan yang ditandai dengan semakin meningkatnya
pencemaran udara yang berdampak terhadap kesehatan masyarakat perkotaan dapat mengakibatkan perubahan fisik dan kimia pada tanaman, dapat pula mengakibatkan stres fisiologi, serta mengancam kesehatan suatu organisme termasuk tanaman yang secara umum akan menunjukkan respon negatif terhadap kondisi polutan di udara. Salah satu indeks toleransi tanaman terhadap bahan pencemar tersebut dapat diketahui melalui formula APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) berdasarkan empat variabel penyusun APTI yaitu asam akorbat, klorofil total, pH daun dan kadar air relatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan tingkat toleransi tanaman lanskap di Taman Pelangi Surabaya terhadap pencemaran udara berdasarkan nilai APTI. Pengambilan sampel tanaman dilakukan berdasarkan nilai asam askorbat tanaman yang diambil di Kebun Bibit Wonorejo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spesies tanaman dengan kadar asam askorbat yang tinggi dari masing-masing jenis tanaman memiliki tingkat toleransi yang tinggi pula dibandingkan dengan spesies tanaman lain dari masing-masing jenis tanaman. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar asam askorbat berkorelasi positif dengan nilai APTI. Semakin tinggi kadar asam askorbat maka semakin tinggi pula nilai APTI suatu tanaman.
Kata kunci: APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index), tanaman lanskap, Taman Pelangi Surabaya

The decline in the quality of urban environment that is marked by the increasing air pollution affecting the health of urban communities can lead to physical and chemical changes in plants, can also lead to stress physiology, as well as threatening the health of an organism, including plants in general will show a negative response to the condition of pollutants in air. One index of tolerance of crops to these pollutants can be determined via a formula APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) is based on four variables that APTI constituent akorbat acids, total chlorophyll, pH and leaf relative water content. This study aims to identify and determine the tolerance level of landscape plants in Taman Pelangi Surabaya to air pollution based on the value of APTI. Plant sampling carried out based on the value of ascorbic acid plants taken in Nursery Wonorejo. The results showed that plant species with high levels of ascorbic acid from each type of plant has a high tolerance level compared with that of other plant species of each type of plant. This shows that ascorbic acid levels were positively correlated with the value of APTI. The higher levels of ascorbic acid, the higher the value of a plant APTI.
Keywords: APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index), landscape plants, Taman Pelangi Surabaya

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