Dwi Septi Ristiana, Ramdan Hidayat, Sutini plumula



Tanaman krisan (Chrisanthemum sp) merupakan tanaman hari pendek, untuk itudiperlukan penambahan penyinaran untuk mendapatkan kualitas bunga yang baik. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan penyinaran lampu dan metode night-break yangtepat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman krisan. Penelitian disusunmenggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) dengan 2 Faktor. Faktor utama berupa Lamapenyinaran (C), dengan 3 level (C0) tanpa penambahan penyinaran lampu, (C1) penambahanpenyinaran lampu selama 2 jam dan (C2) penambahan penyinaran lampu selama 4 jam.Faktor anak petak berupa metode night-break lighting (N) yang terdiri atas 3 level yaitu : (N0)Tanpa perlakuan night-break, (N1) 5 menit lampu menyala diikuti 1 menit lampu dimatikandalam satu siklus, (N2) 10 menit lampu menyala diikuti 2 menit lampu dimatikan dalam satusiklus dan (N3) 15 menit lampu menyala diikuti 3 menit lampu dimatikan dalam satu siklus.Percobaan diulang 3 kali, sehingga jumlah seluruh petak percobaan sebanyak 27. Hasil daripenelitian menunjukkan bahwa Interaksi perlakuan yang memberikan pengaruh pada inisiasipembungaan / umur saat muncul bunga. Lama penyinaran berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggitanaman, jumlah daun, bobot basah panen, dan bobot kering panen tanaman krisan.Sedangkan metode night-break 15 menit terang dan 3 menit mati menghasilkan waktu munculbunga yang lebih cepat 7 hari.Kata kunci : Krisan (Chrisanthemum sp), Lama penyinaran, metode night-break


Chrysanthemum (Chrisanthemum sp) is a short-day plant, it is necessary for theaddition of irradiation to get a good rate quality. This study aims to determine the addition ofirradiation lights and night-break method that is appropriate to increase the growth andproduction of chrysanthemum. The study was compiled using Grid Design Divided (GDD) withtwo factors. A major factor in the form of Long exposures (C), with 3 levels (C0) without theaddition of light irradiation, (C1) the addition of light irradiation for 2 hours and (C2) Extra lightirradiation for 4 hours. Factors subplot in the form of a method of night-break lighting (N) whichconsists of three levels: (N0) Without treatment of night-break, (N1) 5 minutes the lights onfollowed by 1 minute the lights turned off in one cycle, (N2) 10 minutes light followed 2 minuteslit the lights in one cycle and (N3) 15 minutes lights on followed 3 minutes of the lights in onecycle. The experiment was repeated three times, so the total number of experimental plots asmuch as 27. The results show that the interaction of treatment effect on the initiation of flowering/ age when the flowers appear. Long exposures are significantly affected plant height, numberof leaves, harvest wet weight, dry weight and harvest chrysanthemum. While the method ofnight-light 15-minute break and a 3-minute dead time generating interest appear faster 7 days.Key word : Chrysanthemum sp, Long exposures, night-break method

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