L.Urip Widodo, Novel Karaman, Yohandrik


Extraction from adhesive substance between tissue chell in the papaya peel would
produce a product called pectin. The aim of this research was to obtain pectin from papaya
peel. Ten miligrams of papaya peel with the size of 40 mesh added with 200 ml of aquadesl,
then add also HCl with various concentration: 0.01 N, 0.015 N, 0.02 N, 0.025 N, and 0.03N.
The extraction was done at 80 0C temperature for: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 hours after that solution
extracted filtered to separate the concentrate and filtrate. The concentrate discharded and the
filtrate was pectin. Pectin filtrate then heated at temperature of 95 ° C while stirring intensively
until the volume obtain half then the original volume. The filtrate cooled using acid alcohol,
and stirred until evenly. After mixed evenly, filtrate left over fot about 10-14 hours. The
precipate pectin then separated, washing with 95% neutral alcohol, and dried in an oven at 40
oC for 6 hours. Dry pectin content weighed and analyzed the content of methoksil. The best
conditions result: the rendement of pectin obtained 9.2% and the content methoksil papaya peel
was 8.87% at 2 hours with the concentration of HCL 0.02 N.
Keywords: extraction time, papaya peel, pectin

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