Kindriari Nurma Wahyusi


Banana a tropical and subtropical tree with good prospect found anywhere in Indonesia which easy to cultivate

and rapidly. Concerning the chemical composition, the hump banana tree contain phosphorous large enoughe.

Using special treatment and adding sulfuric acid alkali, the phosphorous content at the hump banana tree could

be processed to produce phosphoric acid.

The objective of research is to produce phosphoric acid from the hump banana tree waste as the synthetic

fertilizer as follows : TSP, NPK etc. it also can be used as sugar cane substance to remove the impurities. Hope

the research will be worthwhile and value for hump banana tree waste.

There are two process steps i.e. : The process which contain calcium and phosphorous to compound calcium

phosphate. Then the phosphoric acid compound process. It also produces gypsum at the reaction. This research’s

result showed that 3 hours and sulfuric acid concentration of 60 % could reduce phosphorous convertion

optimum i.e. : 0,79 was obtained at ambon banana.

Key words


: hump banana tree, phosphoric acid.

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Copyright @ 2006 Jurnal Teknik Kimia -Program Studi Teknik Kimia - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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