Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The purpose of publishing this journal is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas as well as research results that have been achieved in the field of public administration and policy.

The Governance Dynamics Journal specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of public policy science and the field of administration as follows:

  • Bureaucracy and Public Administration;
  • Decentralization and Regional Autonomy;
  • Economic and Public Policy;
  • Public Management and Governance;
  • Development Issues in Developing Countries;
  • Any specific issues in public policy and management.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts are read by editorial staff. the manuscript evaluated by the editor becomes incompatible with journal criteria rejected immediately without any external reviews. The manuscript evaluated to be a potential interest for our readers is sent to two reviewer desks. The editor then makes a decision based on reviewers' recommendations of several possibilities: rejected, revision required, or accepted. The editor has the right to decide which manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

Review Process:

  1. The author submits the script
  2. Editor's Evaluation (some manuscripts denied or returned before the review process)
  3. Double-blind peer review process
  4. Editor's Decision
  5. Confirm to an author


Publication Frequency

Jurnal Dinamika Governance menerbitkan artikel jurnal dan penelitian 4 kali dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terhitung dari bulan Januari, April, Juli, Oktober


Open Access Policy

Jurnal ini menyediakan akses terbuka langsung ke kontennya dengan prinsip bahwa menyediakan penelitian secara bebas kepada publik akan mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan global yang lebih besar.

Penulis bertanggung jawab untuk memperoleh izin untuk memperbanyak gambar, tabel, data, atau teks yang dilindungi hak cipta yang digunakan dalam makalah yang diserahkan. Penulis harus memperhatikan bahwa kutipan teks lebih dari 250 kata dari karya yang diterbitkan atau dilindungi hak cipta akan memerlukan izin dari penerbit asli untuk mencetak ulang. Surat izin tertulis harus diserahkan bersama dengan naskah. Penulis setuju untuk memegang hak cipta tanpa batas waktu.


Publication Ethics

Dinamika Governance: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JDG) (e-ISSN: 2656-9949)

is a reviewed journal published by Department of Public Administration UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur. This statement explains the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the process of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, person in charge, Editor in Chief, Editorial Team, reviewer and publisher.


The Editor Responsibility

  1. The editor of Journal “Dinamika Governance” responsible in deciding articles to be published through editorial council meeting.
  2. Editor is guided by policy council and journal editorial restricted by valid law concerning defamation, copyright violation and plagiarism. In the process of articles acceptance, editor team works based on similarity treatment.
  3. In the process of journal review and decision of publication (articles), the editor team does not discriminate any races, sexes, religions ethnic, citizenship, or ideology of political writer.
  4. Editor and editorial team will not open any information about manuscript or article except there is permits from authorship.
  5. A manuscript (articles) that is not published after proposed would not be used as research by editor and will be returned directly to the author.



Reviewer by Partnership

  1. Reviewer helps editor in making decisions on received article.

  2. Reviewer responsible to give recommendation on reviewed article.

  3. Review of script is done objectively and supported by clear argument.

  4. Reviewer maintain secrecy of information for personal gain.

Responsibility of the author

  1. The Author should present an article or research results clearly, honest, and no-plagiarism, and manipulation of data.

  2. The author responsible to confirms articles that have been proposed and written.

  3. The writer must obey requirements of publication in the form of original paper, no-plagiarism, and has never been published in journal or other publication.

  4. The author must show reference of opinion and other literature being quoted.

  5. The author must write a manuscript or article by carrying ethic, honest and responsible as the valid scientific authorial regulation.

  6. The author is prohibited to send similar articles to more than one journal or publication.

  7. The author has no objection if article being corrected without changing basic idea or substance of article.

Publisher  Responsibility

  • Dinamika Governance as scientific journal publisher responsible to publish article after the process of editing, peer review and layouts in accordance with the rules of scientific journal publishing.
  • Dinamika Governance responsible to guarantee academic freedom of editor and  reviewer in running their job.
  • Dinamika Governance responsible to keep privacy and protects intellectual property and copyright as well as editorial freedom.


Author Fees

This journal charges article publication fees to authors as an effort to maintain article quality and sustainability in the management of our journal.

If you need any further information please feel free to contact

( jurnaldinamika@upnjatim.ac.id )


Published by :

PUSKAP Prodi Administrasi Publik UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

in Collaboration with Indonesian Assosiation of Public Administration (IAPA)


Editorial Office :

Jl.Raya Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

Email : hendra.wijayanto.fisip@upnjatim.ac.id