Katerina Bataha


This research is qualitative research with a case study approach to explain the public service innovation "The Tuna Super (Immigration Tahuna Supervising Undocumented Person)" carried out by the Immigration Office Class II TPI Tahuna in carrying out immigration responsibilities in the Indonesia-Philippines border area, especially in the Sangihe Islands Regency. Si Tuna Super application can run on Apple and Android devices and is built using the Glide platform. The appearance of this application is made user-friendly. This application provides information on district areas as well as the number distribution of undocumented persons. Also, it makes it easier to coordinate or exchange application user information in collecting data. Immigration Office Class II TPI Tahuna entered into a cooperation agreement not only with the Local Government of Sangihe Regency, but also with the Regional Government of Talaud Regency, and the Government of Bitung City. This Cooperation Agreement aims to strengthen coordination and synergy. This is carried out by carrying out undocumented person data entry by local government officials, especially in every sub-district and village in Sangihe Islands Regency, Talaud Islands Regency, and Bitung City. In Sangihe Regency, the regional government and the Immigration Office have carried out stages of outreach and training to sub-district or villages even Neighborhood Associations or Citizens Association, considering that they are the frontlines who interact directly with foreign communities in their area.



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Dinamika Governance : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara [ISSN : 2303-0089  e-ISSN : 2656-9949]

Publish by PUSKAP Prodi Administrasi Publik UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur in Collaboration with Indonesian Assosiation of Public Administration (IAPA)