Femmy M. G Tulusan, Novie R Pioh, Joorie M Ruru, Novva N Plangiten


Social assistance programs through non-cash food in the form of e-shops are carried out by the government in solving food needs. The poor in Tomohon City are part of the target of this policy. This research was conducted to identify and analyze non-cash food assistance distribution programs through the e-Warung System in a policy evaluation study in Tomohon City. This study uses qualitative methods with the main objective of being descriptive and revealing (to describe and explore). Data was collected through interviews with target informants, direct observation and secondary data collection directly in the field or through the use of Google Scholar. Data analysis uses an interactive model which consists of three main things, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification. The research findings are that the implementation of social assistance programs through non-cash food in e-warungs is still not in line with policy objectives. Evaluation needs to be done so that the pattern of program implementation fits the policy objectives. Improvement efforts must begin with evaluating the implementation of the program.


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