This research examines the waste management policy by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government based on Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Waste Management, which is implemented in the context of handling complex public problems. The purpose of this research is to understand the policy agenda setting process and the factors that influence it. Using a qualitative approach and literature study, this research analyzes literature related to waste management policies and uses the Hall Model conceptual framework which consists of three elements: legitimacy, feasibility and support. The results show that the waste management policy in Jakarta is supported by the synergy between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Bekasi City Government through a cooperation agreement (PKS) which is formally renewed every five years. This policy also received legitimacy because it was seen by the local government as being able to overcome the problem of waste, which is a characteristic of urban social problems, along with other problems such as population density and land limitations. In terms of feasibility, this policy is supported by modern technology and adequate infrastructure, including international cooperation. Community support and the distribution of compensation funds for affected communities around Bantargebang TPST are important factors that support the sustainability of this policy. Thus, waste management in Jakarta from the Hall model framework approach has met the criteria for comprehensive, responsive and sustainable agenda setting.
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