Mohammad Fadil Imran


With the presence of growing digitalization, people are able to obtain various conveniences in many things efficiently and optimally, such as storage, security and increasing the resolution of both images and sound to the maximum. In general, almost all areas of human life that require the use of technological processes are based on digitalization. The product of this digitalization technology is internet-based information and communication technology. Considering that Indonesia has an increasing number of internet users, Indonesia has reached 213 million users out of a total of 276.4 million people as of January 2023, or it can be estimated that 77%. This is of course balanced with cyber security to protect the data held by the state for its citizens. However, with this development, the Indonesian state is still not strong enough in terms of cyber security and is often subject to attacks or threats and even the emergence of hoax information that cannot be resolved and is not proven to be true. With this, there needs to be efforts and strategies in strengthening cyber security in preventing and controlling cyber attacks on cyber security in a country, including strengthening capacity building, forming and enacting laws specifically regarding cyber crime, improving the human resources sector and carrying out cooperation both on a national and national scale. Internationally to overcome emerging cyber attacks and prevent the spread of hoaxes as early as possible.


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