Reviewing Aceh Government Scholarship Management

Dahlawi Dahlawi, DM Ismi Rizkiah, Saddam Rassanjani


The Government of Aceh is aware of the importance of human resource development activities. Through the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) the Government of Aceh distributes educational scholarships for Aceh's best sons and daughters. The presence of this scholarship not only helps fund education for those in need, it also aims to increase the capacity of reliable human resources in order to support the implementation of development in Aceh in the future. However, the Government of Aceh faced a number of governance problems in managing these education funds. This study aims to analyze the management of the Aceh Government scholarship management which is managed directly by the Aceh BPSDM. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive through in-depth interviews with mapped informants. Field data is then analyzed in depth using Management theory according to George R. Terry, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling. As a result, according to George R. Terry, not all management functions have been carried out by BPSDM Aceh


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