AKTIVITAS ANTIINFLAMASI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAN AIR BERAS HITAM (Oryza sativa L. indica) PADA TIKUS WISTAR JANTAN (Activities Antiinflammatory Ethanol Extract And Water Black Rice ( Oryza Sativa L. Indica ) On Male Wistar Rats)
ABSTRAK Inflamasi merupakan suatu respon terhadap cedera jaringan dan infeksi didalam sel tubuh. Pada kondisi tertentu inflamasi yang terjadi menyebabkan bahaya bagi penderita salah satu respon bahaya yang ditunjukkan adanya respon inflamasi, sehingga dibutuhkan agen inflamasi dari luar tubuh seperti obat anti inflamasi yaitu flavonoid yang diperoleh dari ekstrak beras hitam (Oryza sativa L. indica). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek antiinflamasi ekstrak etanol dan air beras hitam (Oryza sativa L. indica) terhadap edema kaki tikus putih jantan galur wistar yang diinduksi dengan karagenan 0,2 %. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode Rat hind paw edema atau pembentukan radang buatan pada telapak kaki kiri tikus putih jantan. Perlakuan dilakukan terhadap lima kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol positif diberi Natrium diklofenak, kontrol negatif diberi akuades dan kelompok uji diberi ekstrak beras hitam 30 mg/KgBB, 100 mg/KgBB dan 300 mg/KgBB. Volume edema kaki tikus putih jantan galur wistar diukur setiap jam selama 5 jam menggunakan plethysmometer. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan uji MANOVA satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beras hitam dapat menurunkan volume edema kaki tikus putih jantan galur wistar yang diinduksi dengan larutan natrium diklofenak 0,2 % dengan daya antiinflamasi tertingi pada ekstrak etanol beras hitam100 mg/KgBB sebesar 91,65 %,lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan natrium diklofenak yang memiliki daya antinflamasi 85,93%. Kata Kunci : anti-inflamasi, beras hitam, etanol, air
ABSTRACT Inflammation is a responce to tissue injureand infection beneath the body cell.In certain condition, the inflammation can cause danger to the patient. One of dangerous response is anafilatic reaction. Therefore, inflammation agent from outside the body is urgently needed, such as, flavonoid, compound which is obtained from black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica). This study aims to examine the antiinflammatory effects of ethanol and water extract from black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) on edema of white males wistar foot induced with 0,2% karagenan. The test was done using rat hind paw edema or esthablished an artificial inflammation in left foot of white male rats.The treatments were carried out on five groups, the positive control group was administered with diclofenac sodium, the negative control group was administered with aquadest, and the extract groups were administered with 30 mg/KgBB, 100 mg/KgBB and 300 mg/KgBB of black rice extract. Edema volume were measured every hour for 5 hours using plethysmometer. Obtained data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA followed by LSD test with confident level was 0,05. The result of this study indicate that black rice can reduce edema volume of rat foot that induced with 0,2% karagenan and antiinflamatory of ethanol extract from black rice 100 mg/KgBB by 91,65 %, higher compared with diclofenac sodium which has anti-inflammatory 85.93%. Keywords: Antiinflamation,black rice, ethano, water.
ABSTRACT Inflammation is a responce to tissue injureand infection beneath the body cell.In certain condition, the inflammation can cause danger to the patient. One of dangerous response is anafilatic reaction. Therefore, inflammation agent from outside the body is urgently needed, such as, flavonoid, compound which is obtained from black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica). This study aims to examine the antiinflammatory effects of ethanol and water extract from black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) on edema of white males wistar foot induced with 0,2% karagenan. The test was done using rat hind paw edema or esthablished an artificial inflammation in left foot of white male rats.The treatments were carried out on five groups, the positive control group was administered with diclofenac sodium, the negative control group was administered with aquadest, and the extract groups were administered with 30 mg/KgBB, 100 mg/KgBB and 300 mg/KgBB of black rice extract. Edema volume were measured every hour for 5 hours using plethysmometer. Obtained data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA followed by LSD test with confident level was 0,05. The result of this study indicate that black rice can reduce edema volume of rat foot that induced with 0,2% karagenan and antiinflamatory of ethanol extract from black rice 100 mg/KgBB by 91,65 %, higher compared with diclofenac sodium which has anti-inflammatory 85.93%. Keywords: Antiinflamation,black rice, ethano, water.
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